This is a very rare Saints helmet from the late 1960's - specifically 1967-8. The helmet is a Riddell TK suspension helmet which has factory added RAC-H8 Aero Cell padding added. It has an original reconditioning sticker in the helmet from the Riddell factory with a date of 1968. The helmet has a #51 player identifier written on the Riddell sticker. The helmet is complete with the original leather jawpads and original chinstrap. One nice feature of this helmet is it has it's original Schutt bolt-on NOP facemask attached using original hardware. The two clips securing the facemask sides are reproduction replacements as the originals were broken - as always. This is a very nice helmet with little wear. Our guess is that it was reconditioned and then never used. It is interesting that the helmet has on the interior the remnants of red side stripes under the wider black Saints side stripes. This could have been a 49ers helmet that was reconditioned to that of a Saints. The helmet has a story. Very cool.