This helmet is part of a collection that we purchased a few years back from the family of a former Marietta employee. The employee would occasionally bring helmets home that were going to be discarded, for his two sons. His sons soon had a very nice collection of NFL helmets with just about every team offered in the early to mid 1970's. This helmet is a game used worn original Marietta Kineomatic 21PA suspension helmet from 1973. The helmet also has the optional concussion padding installed under the suspension. The helmet has the stripes and logos on the outside of the shell. The shell is complete with the suspension, facemask, and jawpads. The facemask is a 70s style Schutt JOP model. The mask is not secured to the helmet as the original clips were broken as is the case with all original Schutt clips from this era. The remnants of the original clips still on the helmet - in gray. The helmet is in excellent original condition with no modifications. There are no player identifiers on or inside of the helmet. A great rare vintage Marietta helmet that is very hard to find. The helmet was sourced to us as you see it in the photos from a former employee of Marietta. You'll never see another one.