We sold this helmet a couple years back and are happy to have repurchased it, and offer it again. It is a great helmet! Game Worn Syracuse Orangemen Schutt Pro AiR II helmet. The helmet was originally manufactured in 1993 according to the datecode under the jawpad.
The helmet is a size large. It is a Pro AiR II model with the single air bladder. The helmet has an Schutt soft cup chinstrap in the high mount configuration. The facemask is a Schutt ROPO-UB-DW thin wire model, secured to the helmet using the original convention clips and hardware at the top mounts and shockblocker clips with the original hardware at the sides of the helmet. The inner strap of each shockblocker has become brittle and have cracked as they often do. The date code on the facemask is 1997.
The helmet is original as sourced to us. The striping is original and adhered to the helmet well with some scrapes and scuffing. The helmet does not have any player identifiers but does have two reconditioning stickers on the interior for the 1996 and 1997 seasons. A nice game used helmet, original, complete, and ready to display.