Game worn Green Bay Packers Schutt AiR Power model helmet. The helmet is all original and complete with the interior AiR Power padding, double blue bladder and AiR front bumper. The helmet was manufactured in 1988 and was rejected due to a small crack near the left side low chinstrap snap. The marker circle from the reconditioner around the area of the crack can be seen in the first photo above. There is a shadow of a circle on the outside of the same area of the helmet was it was circled and the removed prior to our purchase. The helmet is a size large and has Packer striping and logos. The center stripe is cut at the valve as the Packers equipment staff did during this period. The helmet has very light wear, with the logos and stripes adhered well to the helmet. There are no player identifiers inside the helmet. There is a Circle Reconditioners sticker on the inside of the helmet as all Packers gamers from this era. We purchased the helmet years ago as it is with no facemask and we have not installed one. The new owner can decide to install one or leave the helmet as is. Nice gamer at a great price.