Original AHI (Schutt/BIKE) AiR Power helmet from 1987. The medium sized helmet was used in the late 1980's and early 1990's. It has an original manufacturers datecode of 1987. The helmet is all complete and original with no modifications of any kind. The helmet does not have a chinstrap. The facemask is a Schutt thin wire OPO model with a datecode of 1987. The facemask is secured to the helmet using its original hardware and original clips. The jawpads of the helmet are Riddell vinyl early 80s that were typically supplied with Riddell Pac3 and WD1 helmets. They are interchangeable with Schutt style helmets and often used if it was the players preference. The exterior of the helmet has moderate wear with scratches, scuffs, and small paint transfers. The interior is in good condition complete with the double air bladder. All decals and striping is in excellent condition. Great original helmet for display.