This helmet is a game worn 49ers Wilson F2002 suspension helmet. The 49ers along with the Bears used Wilson football helmets and this one is a fine example of what they used. This helmet is all original with the very light metallic silver-gold paint as was used by the team in the 1970s. This helmet has a very rare facemask installed to it - which is original to this helmet along with the original hardware to secure the mask. The mask is unique in the fact that it is the square bottom style introduced in 1968. By 1968 facemasks were no longer mounted by bolting directly to the helmet. Clips were used both in the top position as well as on the sides of the helmet - much like are still used today. The 49ers were the exception. For reasons unknown to me, they continued to have their facemasks manufactured with the top mounting bolted directly to the helmet. Photos and game footage of the team from 1969 through as late as 1973 still show the team using this style of facemask. These masks are impossible to find today. I have seen two of them since we started doing this many years ago. Very cool.