This helmet is a game worn Purdue helmet used by Roland DeYoung in 1968. The Riddell TK suspension helmet has the Riddell aftermarket RAC padding glued into the helmet - to help protect the player’s head. The helmet comes with the original slotted screws and hardware. The Riddell heat stamps on the rear of the helmet are very crisp and easily readable. The interior of the helmet is in very nice condition. The Riddell suspension and rubber doughnut are complete and in nice condition. The size of the helmet is a very rare/nice 7 1/2. The Riddell factory sticker had come off of the inside of the helmet with the 1968 reconditioning datecode, but it will be included with the helmet. The black center stripe of the helmet has several “patches” where pieces were replaced by the Purdue equipment staff. The helmet had the #69 applied to both sides of the helmet. The number 42 was removed from the helmet sides, but obviously the adhesive residue was not properly removed. Hence, you can see the image of #42 under the #69 on both sides of the helmet. #69 was worn by Roland DeYoung in 1968. The helmet is missing the #6 on one side and missing the #9 on the opposite side. We did not replace the missing numbers, but the same font of number can be purchased. Buyer to inquire as to how to obtain replacement number decals. One rare item on this helmet is the original Schutt facemask mounting template sticker was left on the front of the helmet - under the mask when it was installed. Pretty cool feature that I have never seen before on a helmet at the college level. The helmet and everything on the helmet is original. The mask is not original to the helmet but will be included with the sale. The helmet was sourced to us as you see it in the photos.