Game Used Notre Dame Riddell TK suspension helmet. The helmet is all original and unmodified since its purchase from a private collection. The helmet has a factory datecode in the crown of the helmet from 1964, the year the Irish were National Champions. The helmet is all original and complete as sourced - with the original suspension, jawpads, and 2-bar BD-9 mask from 1964.
The helmet has been painted with the ND Gold paint, with overspray extending over the ends of the two-bar facemask on each side of the helmet - as the team did during this period. The paint that Notre Dame used during this period was not the shiny, glittery paint as used today and throughout the last 15 years. The more “dull” gold of the helmet perfectly matches what the team used when compared to photos or other Irish game helmets from that period.
The helmet shows moderate exterior and interior game wear. The helmet has early Riddell heat stamps on the rear of both sides flanking the center ridge of the helmet. A very rare helmet of a highly desireable model, that obviously saw some years of action on the gridiron, obviously worn in both Champion years of 1964 and 1966.