“Stanford never wore a red mask!” That is what I said when I bought this helmet. The mask was loose from the helmet - but it was included with the helmet. “They wore white or gray!” Well, I put the helmet on a shelf and there it sat until recently. Ah ha! I discovered that in 1978, Stanford switched to red facemasks for their trip to the Blue Bonnet Bowl. Wow. I went on a dig, found the helmet and mask, and installed it to the helmet using reproduction clips.
Stanford Riddell Pac3 helmet. The helmet has a datecode inside of - you guessed it, 1978. It exhibits light to moderate wear to the exterior and interior. The facemask, a Schutt 70s NOP, exhibits virtually no wear - as can be expected from one games use. A tough, rare helmet to find - withthe proper datecode and original mask.